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Changes in fishing lines:
- All sold fishing lines are brought to the real parameters
- A new system for the sale of fishing lines in the store has been introduced, with the help of which you can choose the option that suits you in strength, material, color and length
- Added new materials for fishing line: copolymer, high polymer, steel and titanium
- The old types of fishing lines have been removed from the store with some exceptions
- The fishing lines purchased earlier did not change their parameters and receive a purple type of grade
- Fishing lines of the new system cannot be sold back to the store
- Due to the massive change in the parameters of the fishing lines the spool capacities on all reels have also been changed
Leaders Changes:
- All sold leaders in thickness are brought to the real parameters.
- Fish wariness changes have been introduced for new values of leaders/materials/colors
- Toothy fish (pike, catfish, shark, barracuda, etc.) can bite off the leader if it is too thin or made of unsuitable material
Changing the game interface
- According to your numerous requests, the interface of the game is made brighter
- The interface of the game store has been changed
- Added the ability to set a login / password, which makes it possible to play the game without being tied to Steam or VKPlay
- The cards placed in the album are now connected to the cards already lying there
- The recipe for bombard floats and the recipe for creating a horsefly has been transferred to the "craft table"
Added new achievements
Prizes for new achievements:
- recipe for crayfish trap "Quick casting" - casting with a short fishing time to check the presence of a catch at the place where the rakolovka is installed
- recipe for insect traps "bait" - allows you to create a bait for catching insects in an alternative way
- recipe "Leash" - allows you to create leader from any fishing line or leader material
- +other prizes
Balanced of organics
- The chance of obtaining organic matter during the refine of feed is not one hundred percent. The more components in the feed , the higher the chance of obtaining organic matter
- Now you can get organic with some chance by sorting out some unnecessary baits
Balanced hook edits:
- Now the fish can break off when using too small a hook
Balance edits of crayfish trap:
- Installation duration increased from 60 minutes to 90 minutes
Balanced insects trap edits:
- Installation for 12 hours is removed
- Installation duration increased from 60 minutes to 90 minutes
- Added a recipe for crafting insect bait ("craft table")
other minor changes