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    • The diving speed of pilkers, wobblers and other baits has been changed
    • Added animation of the line movement when the bait is immersed in water
    • Work has been carried out to reduce queues when logging on to the server
    • Minor interface changes and other gameplay improvements

    after restarting the server

    • The donation store received the Ocean Calypso kit, which is a set of a pilker sea rod 44kg, reels for it, a fishing line and several baits.
    • In addition, it is now possible to upgrade Calypso Christmas fishing rods to the Ocean Calypso set using upgrade tickets in the donation store



    • Das Verwenden von Gegenständen aus dem Inventar funktionierte nicht
    • Das Geräusch von Regen wurde nicht reguliert
    • Der Landeplatz auf dem Eis des Jenissei funktionierte nicht
    • Pilker sinken jetzt schneller
    • Die Größe des Autos in Grönland wurde reduziert
    • Fehlende Elemente in der deutschen Übersetzung wurden hinzugefügt
    • Nicht alle Clublogs wurden korrekt angezeigt

    Nach dem Neustart des Servers im Dienst:

    • Grönland - neue Aufgaben hinzugefügt
    • Oktopusse und Gummis werden in 3 Stück verkauft



    Hello friends. Finally, winter is over and spring has come. An event has been activated in honor of this event. When fishing in locations, flowers come across. Collect flowers in bouquets, give them to friends and girlfriends, or you can use them yourself, getting additional experience. The amount of experience depends on the level of the one who used the bouquet.

    Flowers fall until March 10th inclusive, and you can use them until March 20th, after which the flowers will disappear from your inventory.



    Small fixes

    • Nereis and Sandworm bait - increased the size of the required hook
    • Added the "Worm Pieces" bait. It is made by processing nereis and Sandworm. Worm pieces can be put on hooks of size 0-2, as well as added to complementary foods
    • Fixed the model and bending of the Calypso fishing rod
    • Fixed some fish models (cod, etc.)
    • Reels from the JerkPredator set can now be sold to the store

